Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: Matthew 26:26-28

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Matthew 26:26-28

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning the Holy Supper 

We know that not only the Roman Church affirms the bodily presence of Christ, but the Greek Church also has come to believe and continues to believe the same. For their canon of the Mass testifies to this where the priest clearly prays that the bread may be changed and become the very body of Christ. Vulgarius, who seems to us to be a reasonable writer, clearly says that bread is not merely figurative but is truly changed into flesh.

Pulling It Together

Jesus called the bread that he broke and gave to his disciples to eat, “my body.” He said of the cup, “This is my blood.” This is what we believe. We do not fuss overly much with the “how” and the “when,” but we are very much concerned with the “why.” The reason we believe is because Jesus said the bread is his body. He said the wine is his blood. This is his word that we take on faith in the one who said it, like we believe the rest of his word. We believe it because Jesus says it is so, because he gives his word. And in his promise is the pouring out of forgiveness for our sins.

Prayer: Lord, increase my faith. Amen.

Learning About Communion teaches the meaning of Holy Communion according to the pattern of Luther's Small Catechism, and is recommended for the Fifth Grade Level. Each week focuses on a specific Bible story which illustrates the theme, with additional references from Scripture andLuther's Small Catechism - Children's Version. Lessons emphasize the sacramental promise of the forgiveness of sins conveyed to us in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This booklet was designed to be used as a Sunday School unit, or for classes to prepare students for their First Communion.

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