Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: Psalm 50:15

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Psalm 50:15

From the Confessions: Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope 

Then, how many abuses and what horrible idolatry the invocation of saints has produced!

Pulling It Together

Whenever one wonders if a doctrine is true or false, look to the chief article. Does a teaching conflict with the first article? If so, then the doctrine is false. Christ alone helps sinners. The works of people—whether self or saints—is of no advantage. Indeed, they are a great disadvantage because they subvert the knowledge of and obscure the glory of Christ. Look to Christ alone; call upon him for help, for he is the one who delivers. Moreover, he is the only one whom glory is due.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord God, for all your benefits in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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A Discussion of Living Religions is a brief introduction to major world religions that takes a conversational approach as a group of friends talk together about what it is they believe. Each has a chance to speak for themselves about how they understand the fundamentals of reality and faith.

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