The Risen Life
Scripture Text: Colossians 3:1–5
Through Christ's death, you are redeemed from sin and death, raised to an imperishable life you cannot yet perceive in yourselves except through faith.
Through Christ's death, you are redeemed from sin and death, raised to an imperishable life you cannot yet perceive in yourselves except through faith.
We do not have to win any battles, but only to keep the victory that has already been won, by holding onto faith in Christ and his cross.
To keep company with the "weak Christ" is the highest wisdom on earth, and a second is like it, to bear with his weak followers, the church.
Unbelief is the greatest sin there is, for it cares not for God or at least, cares little for him who is to be loved with one's whole heart and entire being.
The true church is not known by its government or its name but because it is known by its Shepherd and knows him, having faith in him alone.
Scripture teaches that we cannot be saved by our own works, but through hearing and believing by the power of his Spirit that Jesus is the Christ .
There is a great Day coming when we will be raised bodily from the dead, but in the meantime, we are being raised spiritually into a better existence.
Christ cannot remain in death — although he may suffer death by reason of his human nature — yet he must of his own power rise from the dead.
The world, seeing no wrong with itself, does not receive one part of Christ's word, reproval, and so, seeing no need of it, cannot receive his grace.
Christ is the righteousness of Christians before God, going to the Father, that is, suffering and rising for us, and thereby reconciling us to the Father.
The role of the pastor or shepherd is to feed the sheep, and to protect them from all evil, which begins and ends with proper feeding from the Word.
Be careful that what you hear from the pulpit is the sure Word of God instead of those doctrines that suit a pastor's or denomination's agenda.
We are not to trifle with the Scriptures, else there would then be no reliable and permanent foundation whereon the conscience may rely.
Only devout, childlike people may grasp and understand the Bible, those who say by God's grace that because he has said it, then they do believe it.
It is not enough to know the historical fact of Jesus, but to also know that he calls us dear brothers, infusing his own righteousness and glory into us who believe.
It is comforting to hear Jesus tell us that his Father is also our Father, for as Jesus returns to him, we too, will one day ascend to our God in heaven.
It is comforting to hear Jesus tell us that his Father is also our Father, for as Jesus returns to him, we too, will one day ascend to our God in heaven.
Christ lay in the tomb for a part of three days, rising on the third, but what we should note is not so much the number but the fact that he truly died.
Jesus calls us his brothers, not because of anything we have done to merit this inclusion in his family, but because we believe on him for salvation.
God's Word and works in the Sacraments are not idle, but instead set people free from sin, death, the devil, and every sort of fear.
You may be a birthright Jew, or a birthright Quaker, but without being born again, a salvation through the Word of Christ, there can be no salvation.
When we receive Holy Communion, we should be careful to increase love, to find our neighbor who is in need and reach out to him in Christ's name.
If you would be a Christian, then you must not be terribly alarmed or impatient at the the torments of the world and of the devil.
We have the clear Word of God as testimony for us who believe, that Christ gave himself as a grace to be received in the bread and wine of his table.
May you be a fresh lump with whom Christ Jesus being worked in, that the grace and power of the Spirit may continue to work out your salvation.