Don't Neglect It
Scripture Text: 2 Corinthians 5:20–6:1
Read the Bible on your own, for sure. But get yourself to church to hear the Word read and proclaimed among God's community. He speaks there.
Read the Bible on your own, for sure. But get yourself to church to hear the Word read and proclaimed among God's community. He speaks there.
There should be a grateful and increasing degree of perfection in the doctrines we have received, perceiving our errors and striving to mend our ways.
Everyone — even old Noah, your pastor, and your child — is a sinner who can do nothing without God's assistance. Admit it, and salvation begins.
The wastelands of unclean spirits are nothing more than unbelieving hearts, Evil is anxious to return home, so keep believing and exercising your faith.
The law condemns but the gospel takes away all despair, so that, even if one has only some crumbs of faith, she may believe and be a child of God.
All works of love, then, must be directed, as commanded, to our needy neighbors. In these lowly ones we are to find, love, serve, and honor God.
Be careful that you are not tempted to believe twisted Scriptures, especially when it concerns false promises for your soul. Christ alone is our Promise.
We do not live by the nourishment of the body alone. We also need spiritual sustenance, or as Jesus says, "that word that proceeds from the mouth of God"
What do you want Jesus to do for you? Heal some spiritual blindness? Increase your faith? Hear the gospel and receive God's grace? Ask and you shall receive.
Jesus was able to be patient with his accusers and attackers because he did not entrust himself to their judgment but to him who judges justly.
We should cheerfully suffer want and temptation for the service of God and the good of our neighbor, like Christ did for us.
"Reason, flesh and blood, cannot understand, nor grasp that the Scriptures should say how the Son of man must be suffer for us."
We are to owe no person anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law and commandments.
If you do not love your neighbor, your conscience will condemn you. Without trust in a forgiving Father, you will be overwhelmed with guilt.
The gifts of God are to be used in service of neighbor so that God receives the glory for our actions. This is accomplished when we serve with love.
You just can't win sometimes. Trying to defend yourself does not work; you just get judged all the more. All you can do is entrust yourself to God.
We are forgiven only if we continue in faith and are occupied with purging out the impurity that remains in us. Life is daily repentance and forgiveness: purging.
Are you gracious or harsh and demanding of others? We must show mercy and grace to our neighbor, as we have been shown these by Christ.
God can bring life and healing to the lives of others through your faith, as seen in biblical examples like the centurion who had faith for another.
The reason Jesus came to earth was to do his Father's will, to die for a world's sin. It was his passion, his Plan A; there was no Plan B.
All works are good, so long as they are done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for his glory, as directed by him rather than by one's own ability.
Don't you love a good mystery, one told well and ends well? That is what Jesus came to proclaim, a mystery for the ages revealed for you.
Peter's and Luther's doctrine of the priesthood of believers is central to Paul's teaching on honoring weaker members of the body of Christ.
The gospel leaves us no room to doubt the Lord's favor, for the first and the last to believe his word will receive his eternal and generous salvation.
When there is but infinite day, we will require faith no more, nor hope. Love is the permanent thing, and therefore, the greatest of the three that now abide.