Look There
Scripture Text: Luke 2:49–50
Seek! Search! Look everywhere else. But you will never find Christ Jesus anywhere else but in the holy Scripture. The Spirit will reveal himself there.
Seek! Search! Look everywhere else. But you will never find Christ Jesus anywhere else but in the holy Scripture. The Spirit will reveal himself there.
Take the Word of God "as it stands," as it is written, and be transformed by the Holy Spirit who works through that very Word in all his people.
A Christian glories in the things of which other men are ashamed — in the cross and in his sufferings. For the world will not long endure the Word.
As much as you are able, live in peace with all; spend time with those of humble circumstance. Be a blessing to your neighbor.
Marriage, because it is God's institution, will be a difficult work, as the flesh will resist and rebel, as it always does against doing God's will.
Love desires the best for its neighbor, even when one's neighbor does not desire the best for you, so one must pray for them even when they are not neighborly.
Jesus allowed for believers and unbelievers alike in the church, so that both might be spared, believers from violent uprooting, and unbelievers an opportunity to believe.
Each Christian has been given a calling, and with that calling a particular gift or gifts to fulfill the calling. These do not make her better or happier than another.
God permits us to fail in order to make us seek him in his Word. Do not despair when things do not go your way. God is calling you.
Paul does not put much emphasis on foretelling the future, but on the explanation of the Scriptures, so that there may be faith in the gospel.
May we be content with the gospel, with what is written, for it contains all that God wants us to know about himself, all that we need to know.
Love is virtue pure and precious. It neither utters, nor thinks any evil of its neighbor. It rather covers sin; not one sin, nor two, but a “multitude of sins.”
Our worship and good works are to be done for Christ's sake, not because we think that we earn salvation through our deeds or piety.
Good and bad happens to bad and so-called good people alike. The difference is how one responds, and why, and from where their peace comes.
Have we forgotten that in order to be saved, we must have faith in Christ, trusting in God above our own works of religious devotion?
We must consider ourselves with sound and sober judgment, not thinking much of our piety. There is always room for improvement in the Christian life.
Simeon was not impressed by appearances and so, could bless Christ Jesus. If appearances are our motivation, we will not bless Jesus.
Christians are priests, each and every one of them, and as priests, are to offer acceptable sacrifices to God. That sacrifice is self for the honor God.
We must have faith in the Word, not in what our senses tell us. Feelings are secondary (at least) and are to be subordinated to "what is written."
Christians should not curse—in the sense of wishing evil in a person's life. However, Christians are to censure and reprove evil in the hope of good.
God allows suffering to guard against presumption, as example to others to repent, and as preparation for finding Christ, and keeping him.
The sacrifices of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the one sacrifice of Christ Jesus so that we may offering the living sacrifice of faith in everyday life.
Having Christ's Spirit within us, we are to love our neighbors so fully through that it seems as though we are indebted to love our them.
Love of neighbor does not justify us to God. Faith in God does however, compel us to love our neighbor, and this is evidence of faith, and love of God.
The light exposes the darkness of human reason, doctrine, and works, and displays our need of the grace and glory of he who is Light from Light, true God from true God.