Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions
Scripture Text: Proverbs 23:20
Our parents are God’s agents to and for us. They are meant to be his blessed envoys, graciously given to us by God so that we may begin our education in the catechism.
Our parents are God’s agents to and for us. They are meant to be his blessed envoys, graciously given to us by God so that we may begin our education in the catechism.
Even Jesus honored his parents with submissive behavior. This pleased his mother, and it pleases the Father when we follow the Lord’s example by being obedient to our parents.
They say that imitation is the sincerest or best form of flattery. That must be very true for parents. It is satisfying and rewarding when children reproduce their parents’ good character and conduct.
It is curious that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened quite suddenly, even surprisingly, and at a point when the little Church was in one accord.
God’s promise to be a Father to us demonstrates the importance he places on the role of parenting. It is the first commandment on the second tablet...
Too often the Spirit is viewed as a tool or power. In fact, many believers refer to the Holy Spirit as an “it.” This is far from the truth.
Seems right; if I did not respect my dad, he might have killed me! When he got out that paddle, I had cause to wonder. However, this is hardly what the Fourth Commandment means.
We are to honor our parents. One of the ways that is done is by respecting, obeying, serving, and otherwise loving them throughout our shared days.
The commandment to love our neighbor begins at home. We are to love others as we love ourselves—not just loving those closest to us.
The principal way one honors their parents is to care for them in their old age, when they cannot take care of themselves anymore.
The Sabbath of the old covenant observed God’s completion of creation. The Sabbath of the new covenant celebrates recreation—that people are recreated, or born again, through faith in Christ.
What do you depend upon for religious education, for correction or downright reprimand, and for training in virtue? What is it that governs your maturity in the Christian faith? Your opinions? TV shows? Newspapers? Social media?
The reading of Scripture to the congregation is vital. Indeed, the use of Scripture throughout the liturgy is central to our worship. But why is this the case?
Faith comes through the proclaimed word of Christ Jesus, the message of the gospel. It is the good news because salvation comes by no other name.
It is the Word of God received in faith that makes one holy. The preaching of that Word is vital, whether it is a lector reading the Word aloud, a pastor proclaiming it from a pulpit, or the Holy Spirit speaking through a printed Bible or app.
When we gather around the Word of God, we are separated from the world for a while. For the moment, we are devoted only to God. This is one major way that we keep the Third Commandment.
But the Sabbath is a Saturday, not a Sunday, you may argue. Yes, the Jewish Sabbath was Saturday; actually, it was Friday evening until Saturday evening.
“But I have always done it this way!” Nevertheless, now it is time to listen to how the Lord wants things done.
The Sabbath is a day of rest, a miniature holiday or holyday. This day of rest is to be kept because God not only commanded it, he observed it.
Worship is always the correct attitude. If your conscience, the law, or the devil accuse you of sin, the right response is worship. Do not hide from God, as if you could.