Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: John 3:16–18

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John 3:16–18

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning Confession and Satisfaction 

Thirdly, indulgences remit these satisfactions, as taught in the chapter, “Penitence and Remission,” beginning with the words, “Since from this...” But indulgences do not free us from commands like, “Repent” and, “Bear fruit that befits repentance.” Therefore it is obvious that these passages of Scripture have been wickedly distorted to apply to canonical satisfactions.

Pulling It Together: If one may buy off the need for the satisfaction, what then really, is the point—that if we have enough money, we may buy God’s remission of temporal punishments? Even if that were true (and it is not), obeying God’s commands would still be required. So, all of these passages, such as Jesus’ own word: “repent,” have been twisted to maintain a religion that weakens the relationship with God. Weakened, because it dashes our hopes. If we have no hope in the Father to forgive, the Son to justify, and the Spirit to give life, then we certainly will have no hope in ourselves—in our good works and devotion. We know better. We know we are poor and wretched sinners. All hope is lost unless we take Christ at his word. “Whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Prayer: Help me to keep turning to your grace, Lord. Amen. 

Who is Jesus? An Introductory Bible Study

It is only in God’s Word that we find what God has to say about himself, and what he has chosen to reveal to us in Jesus Christ. This five-session study, written by the Rev. Roy Beutel, is meant to serve as an introduction to what the Bible says about Jesus Christ — who he is and what it means to trust in him as Savior and Lord. The study would work well for introducing people to Bible Study, for those new to the Christian faith, or for those who want a refresher on the basics of our faith in Christ.

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