Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions
Scripture Text: Psalm 103:8–13
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Psalm 103:8–13
From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession
Concerning Repentance
What follows is still more complex. They teach that we earn grace by contrition. When then, did Saul and Judas and similar persons who were dreadfully contrite not obtain grace. If one asks, the answer must in cited according to faith and the gospel, that Judas did not believe or support himself with the gospel and promise of Christ. Faith shows the distinction between the contrition of Judas and of Peter. But our antagonists take their answer from the law, that Judas did not love God, but feared the punishments.
Pulling It Together
Look to the Word. What is written? How far does God say that he hurls our offenses? “As far as the east is from the west,” is how far he removes our sins from us. This occurs in that moment that we believe the Lord is merciful and gracious to us. If, in absolution however, we think, “Oh, there is that one additional sin that I haven’t purged or confessed,” we question the Lord’s mercy. Our faith is then in ourselves instead of the one who loves us as a father. For he is indeed, the Father who loves us so constantly and with such abundant compassion that the mountains are not high enough to measure the height of his love. The horizons cannot tell the full and true measure of how far our transgressions have been removed. Believe; have faith in your Father.
Prayer: Blessed are you, O Lord, for you are my redemption. Amen.
All God’s Critters (unit 3 of 3) is a Sunday School series designed for young students in Preschool and Kindergarten. Lessons are based on storytelling, rhyme, and pictures, and are suitable for participation by non-readers. The flexible lesson plans introduce the youngest believers to the importance and truth of God’s Word. Each lesson includes the story of the day written in a simplified manner so that young children may understand an important truth about God and what it means for us to be God’s children.
The All God’s Critters curriculum is fully reproducible and is designed with the particular needs of small churches, mission congregations, and house churches in mind. Check out some sample pages by clicking here.
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